Loan services
In-house loans, lending, and borrowing
Generally, the Library of the Law Faculty of Charles University provides both in-house and standard loans. Particular conditions of loan service are defined in the Library Rules.
- In-house loans – The materials are allowed to be used only inside the Library. However, for internal users, it is possible to borrow the materials for the weekend (from Friday 1 pm until Monday 12 pm). If they are not returned until 12 pm, the library system charges a fine of 50 CZK per day.
- Standard and faculty loans – The materials are allowed to be borrowed out of the Library.
Late fees can also be paid to the bank account:
- Bank account number: 85738011/0100
- IBAN: CZ47 0100 0000 0000 8573 8011
- Variable symbol: 223
- Specific symbol: number under the photo on your CUNI card
According to the Library Rules, the general public is allowed to borrow only certain types of materials, others are available only within the library.
Inter-library loan service
Inter-library loan service (ILS) and international interlibrary loan service offer a possibility for users to borrow documents from other libraries through the library where they are registered.
Through the Charles University Law Faculty Library, it is possible to order:
- Documents corresponding to the profile of the individual's studies at the Law Faculty and are not available in the Library of the Law Faculty
- Documents not available in Czech libraries (international inter-library service)
Publications intermediated through ILS and IISL are available only as in-house loans. Exact rules for providing the ILS and IISL services are defined in the Principles of Inter-library Loan Service and International Inter-Library Loan Service. Prices for the services are mentioned in the Price List of Fees and Paid Services.
Service is provided by
Markéta Vlnasová, door number 9, phone: 221 005 213, e-mail:
It is necessary to pay a fee in the National Library before IILS is offered.